This is my messed up attempt at copying someone else's form. Have fun.
What's your name? (No Seymore Butts or Hugh G. Rection's here. There's a space for that later......)
How many years have you graced the earth with your presence?
What is your birth date? (Please remember I LIVE IN AMERICA! On this side of the pond it goes month-day-year)--
What is your gender (Last time you checked)
Female Male
What is you best/favorite fake name (as in the aforementioned Seymore Butts)
Are you:
Tall Small
Angelic Evil
Band Weenie Non-Band Weenie Loser
Computer Literate What's this box with all the colors and buttons?!
Normal Weird
And finally,
Sensible and Practical Downright Silly
What do you think of my page? This is awesome! WOW! scrumdidlyumtious Fix that shit! Nicole is the internet goddess I wish mine were this good... I do not think, I am a cauliflower I want off this loser page
No, but seriously, what do you think? No Comment Bite my ass Enough with the freakin opinions I said it was good already Above average Needs more graphics Better than mine..but I don't have one :P I can't see the graphics Didn't understand a word of it I wish I never came here It SUCKS.
Feel free to elaborate...
What would you add/remove to improve my page then?
Do you actually believe that this is actually going to make a difference?
Nicole is so gullible that she will do anything anyone says and she will follow my directions down to every misspelled word.
Of course not, I am just a freak who surfs the net and fills out forms
How in the heck did you get here?
Have you ever taken NyQuil?
yes no
Did you like it?
Do I make you horny?
Do you realize that is a quote from Austin Powers and I do not care what I make you?
This is a form that I sorta stole from some girl's page in England. She kept saying stuff about not taking things from here page. I changed it a good bit,but if she asks you, do you promise not to tell?
yes, I promise not to tell a soul! no, I am the world's biggest tattle.
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