The fund raiser candy has been discovered to have high levels of arsenic as a preservative. You are advised to throw all candy away. However, it is now unnecessary to embalm your child when they die in 2 weeks.
--Golf Tournament Be at Iron Horse at 6PM in half uniform. Whether you wear the top or the bottom is up to you. Sousas, remember your bell guards
--Swim meet Wear raincoats.
--Anti-Band Booster Club meeting Topic: Discouraging kids from private lessons so we don't have to sell that nasty candy.
--Dirty Car Contest Donations only drive through where band members will sling mud at cars to raise money.
--Band trip We will take a trip to Lubbock and visit the meat-packing plant. Make sure Mr. Howell has given you your last payments. Last year, parents complained of not getting enough money so they wouldn't have to chaperone.
--Winter Concert Booster Club meeting to be held afterwards.
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